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Keep Your Spring Free from Rosacea Flare-Ups

Keep Your Spring Free from Rosacea Flare-Ups

Keep Your Spring Free from Rosacea Flare-Ups Keep Your Spring Free from Rosacea Flare-Ups This April, Rosacea Awareness Month, we’re offering a few tips to help keep spring rosacea flare-up to a minimum Spring brings warmer temperatures, longer days and more...
5 Ways to Treat Heat Rash in Bed Rest Patients

5 Ways to Treat Heat Rash in Bed Rest Patients

5 Ways to Treat Heat Rash in Bed Rest Patients Did you know that heat rash doesn’t only affect infants and young children? Heat rash can affect a person of any age for a variety of reasons, but bed rest patients are particularly at risk. Heat Rash Isn’t Just From the...