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Yes, You Can Have Smoother Body Skin!

Shaving is a hassle! You shave, your skin is nice and smooth, and then the next day stubble appears. It makes the shaving seem pointless. Then, you look in the mirror and see stubborn peach fuzz on your face that cannot simply be shaved off like you do to other areas of the body. You are in luck though! There is finally a way to stop shaving and have smooth skin year-round and the dermatologists at Dermatology & Mohs Surgery Institute can help.


Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is the key to achieving smooth skin and can be performed on both men and women. It works on your arms, legs, back, stomach, armpits, and just about anywhere there is unwanted body hair. Before your appointment, be sure to properly prepare your skin. Plucking and waxing should not occur up to six weeks prior to your appointment. This allows the hair to grow and fully be removed during the laser removal process. Lastly, avoid the sun as much as possible as any sun damage to the skin may counteract the lasers.

During your laser hair removal treatment, a laser will be used on the area you have chosen to have hair removed from. Little zaps will be felt that increase in strength as you have more appointments. The zaps occur on the entire body area and can take less than five minutes for small areas, such as armpits and the upper lip, up to 30 minutes on larger areas such as the arms, legs or back. After the procedure, the area being treated may have some redness or swelling. A cooling gel will be applied to help soothe the area and speed up the healing process.

Results will appear instantly, but it is important that you avoid exposing the treated area to the sun for six weeks after the treatment. While results are noticeable, hair will grow back until you have had enough treatments for it to lead to permanent hair loss. Each area being treated should have seven to 10 treatments and each treatment should be scheduled at least two months apart. As mentioned above, laser hair removal is a good solution for the upper lip, but if you want an entirely smooth face and your peach fuzz removed, dermaplaning is a great option.



A smooth face is just as important as smooth legs, arms, and other body areas. It can be achieved through dermaplaning. During a dermaplaning appointment, a tool, somewhat like a razor, is used to remove dead skin and peach fuzz resulting in improved skin texture, light wrinkles being removed and a smooth face. Skin may be a little red after your appointment but will disappear within 24 hours. The treatment takes less than one hour and should be done every two or three months to continue seeing results. This painless and simple procedure can complete your smooth full body transformation.


Get in Touch With Our Dermatologists

If you are ready for a smoother you, the dermatologists at Dermatology & Mohs Surgery Institute are ready to help. Whether it is laser hair removal, dermaplaning, or both, we want to help you achieve a smoother you. If you are in Bloomington, Illinois or the surrounding areas, get in touch with us.

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