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How to Keep My Skin Clear and Moisturized

Having clear skin is not only good for our health; it is also good for our confidence. Although many will experience acne, keeping the skin clear and moisturized can help keep the acne at bay. The dermatologists at Dermatology & Mohs Surgery Institute have a recommended daily skincare routine you can follow. It will help to keep the skin clear, moisturized and acne-free.

Keeping Skin Clear

Acne is experienced by most at some point in their life. It is caused by buildup in the sweat glands and pores that results in whiteheads and blackheads. Some may experience it only in their younger years as their hormones begin to change. But for others, it may be a lifelong condition. Acne may cause some to lose their self-confidence, become angry, or embarrassed. By keeping the skin clear and moisturized, you can help keep your skin from developing acne. It is important to develop a skincare routine from an early age. It should be something you follow each morning and night. This will help you determine what works and doesn’t work with your skin.

For your morning skincare routine you will need cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen. Be sure to choose a cleanser that is gentle on the skin. Cleansers that include salicylic acid are not too harsh and will work the best. Cleanse your skin when you wake up and before you put makeup on. This will get rid of any oils accumulated on your face throughout the night. Next, find a moisturizer to hydrate your skin. A light moisturizer is great to use when you will be applying makeup over it. Look for glycerin as an ingredient to ensure you are using the best type of moisturizer. Lastly, but most importantly, use a facial sunscreen. Even when the sun is not out, you can get sun damage. Using sunscreen protects against the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. UV rays dry the skin out and remove moisture resulting in dry and flaky skin. Sunscreen will help your skin retain moisture.

For your nightly routine, you will want to use the same cleanser and moisturizer you used in the morning. The cleanser will help to remove any makeup worn throughout the day and make sure you go to bed with a fresh, clean face. After cleansing, toner can be used to help even out skin tone. When you are ready to use moisturizer, it will help to restore any moisture lost throughout the day and rehydrate the skin throughout the night. If you have acne, this is a good time to use any acne treatments or creams too. Lastly, use a face oil to seal in moisture throughout the night. You will wake up with cleansed, hydrated and soft skin.

Following a skincare routine will help to keep the skin clear and moisturized. It may not be the end of acne, but it can certainly help it subside.

If you are struggling with acne or finding a skincare routine that actually works, the dermatologists at Dermatology & Mohs Surgery Institute want to help. If you are in Bloomington, Illinois or surrounding areas, complete this form. We look forward to working together toward clear and moisturized skin.

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