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The Toll Stress Takes on the Skin

In life, it is expected that we often experience stressful situations. How we handle those stressful situations impact how it affects us both physically and mentally. When stress affects us mentally, it can cause us to be tired, irritable and affect us socially. When stress affects us physically, it often results in acne. Stress is not the only cause of acne, but greatly impacts it. The dermatologists at Dermatology & Mohs Surgery Institute share more about the impact stress has on your skin and how to combat it.

How Stress Impacts Your Skin


When stress takes over, it often causes a change in our hormonal levels. When hormonal levels change, it can result in acne. Acne begins when rising hormone levels over-stimulate our oil glands, causing extra oils and skin cells to be produced. This results in a blockage and creates whiteheads and blackheads, also referred to as acne. It is common to feel insecure, frustrated, and have a lack of self-confidence when you have acne, but there are changes you can make and treatment options to help manage and control the acne.

Tips to Treat Acne

Acne can be treated by making changes in your everyday life. A change you can make to alleviate acne includes washing your face daily with a non-drying cleanser. This will help avoid drying out the skin. Additionally, if you already have acne, don’t pick at it as it can make it worse. Lastly, when acne is stress-induced, take notice of what is causing you to stress and what your triggers are. If you do have acne or experience acne scarring, there are treatments that dermatologists can perform to help.

Mild to Severe Acne Treatments

Everyone who has acne will experience a different level of severity. Some may have mild cases, while others may have severe cases. In either case, medications that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are recommended to help avoid acne scarring. If acne scarring occurs, treatments such as microdermabrasion and the laser therapy Dermal Optical Thermolysis (DOT) can help.

Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical and safe treatment that helps improve acne, the skin’s texture, and its appearance. A small device is used to remove the outer layer of skin. It also helps to reduce excess oil buildup that causes acne. The treatment lasts 30 minutes, and multiple treatments are often needed to achieve the desired results. After the procedure, you can resume your normal daily activities as there is no downtime needed. DOT therapy uses a “dot” pattern to help resurface the skin where acne scarring may be. After the procedure, you may notice some redness and peeling, but the skin returns to normal after one week.

If you notice the effects of stress on your skin, the dermatologists at Dermatology & Mohs Surgery Institute can help by providing tips on stress removal as well as facial treatments to get your acne under control. If you are in Bloomington, Illinois, or the surrounding areas, complete this form to hear from a dermatologist how they can help.

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